What does emotional abuse look like?

When people hear the word abuse they automatically think of physical abuse.

Emotional abuse exists in an abuse category all its own. And it is abuse. It can hurt and last longer than the physical abuse as NO ONE SEES it, but let me tell you it slaughters a heart and dices it up like meat. 

Emotional abuse can look different. It can be covert. The weapons can be: YOU are  ignored, blamed, guilted, not affirmed. not validated, not called by your given name, criticized, shamed, and so much more.

Emotional abuse breeds fear, anxiety, self-doubt, second guessing, and chaos.

And a woman can get trapped, pinned down by power and control!

The evilness about emotional abuse it can stop a woman from living out her life purpose.

Are you stuck in emotional abuse?

How long have you felt used?

I coach women stuck in emotional abuse.

Sign up for my newsletter, and take a QUIZ on emotional abuse. Click here! Learn and discern is this true abuse, or is this person just having a bad attitude? 

Read more of my story here! 

Coaching offers you freedom to be you, read more!