Why does emotional abuse slaughter a heart? Because it whittles a person down as their self-image shrivels from being attacked (emotionally abused) nothing left, only a shell.

Impact Report -2019 

According to the 2019 Impact report! 91% of the calls to the Domestic Violence Hotline in 2019, were classified as Emotional abuse!  And physical abuse was 61%!  Impact Report

Emotional abuse is a standalone abuse.

There are no black eyes you can see or marks on her body. Yet, her heart is slaughtered. Emotional abuse is all about power and control. Power and control of a woman or a man. Since I coach women, I will speak from that frame work. And I do know there are women that are abusive.

Definition of Emotional Abuse

I define emotional abuse from the book written by Dr. Gregory Jantz. “Emotional abuse is not normal. Emotional abuse is the consistent pattern of being treated unfairly and unjustly over a period of time, usually by the same person or people. It can also be a onetime traumatic event that is left unresolved.  Emotional abuse is an intentional assault by one person on another to so distort the victim’s view of self that the victim allows the abuser to control him or her.” Page 12, Jantz, Gregory L., and Ann McMurray. Healing the Scars of Emotional Abuse. Grand Rapids, MI: Revell, 2009.

What do emotional abuse and narcissism have in common? Deathblows to an individual’s soul. Let me ask you, why would you want someone to  distort who you are? 

Truly emotional abuse is a slow erase of one’s identity. It begins like this, “Do you need to go out tonight to that meeting? What time will you be home?” The woman gets excited thinking, oh he wants me around. YET, if she stays put, he then ignores her presence all together. That is only the beginning.  A person becomes trapped in a  dangerous game or cycle of never ever pleasing the controller. Since the abuser changes up the bullseyes even if one hits the mark, they will change it up on you. Then a woman tries harder and harder and harder.

Steps for you- if you are the one being abused:

  1. Recognize when you play into their hand and the abuser is controlling.
  2. Step out of the way you react.
  3. Learn how you want to respond. Grow My Backbone Coaching!
  4. Keep putting down healthy boundaries.
  5. What next, have you considered being coached?  What do you need to break free to live and become you? Emotional Abuse Coaching